Sorting humidity problem with computer under 1420MHz array 29/10/23
Terrible humidity problem – I had mounted receiver on piece of wooden board and fungus growing on it and each morning the box is dripping inside!
So, today, I have moved the computer and receiver into a new large 175 litre box from B&M and included a small caravan electric dehumidifier with drain hose – will it effectively deal with the humidity and will the dehumidifier cause interference that affects the signal?
Pictures below show my process of installing the dehumidifier and laptop in the new black box, and there is also a photo of the previous box (clear) with fungus on the wooden board holding the receiver!
In addition, early results 29/10/2023 @ 22:30 (see plots below) appear to show that the dehumidifier is not adversely affecting data collection.

Following plots from 29/10/2023 @ 22:30 show early data collection with above set-up and appear to show that the dehumidifier is not adversely affecting performance:

Follow up 30/10/2023:
I have just checked the box and there no water in there whatsoever! Great news!