Processing in ezRA+Rinearn3D Ptarmigan data over two days from 6/6/2024 to 7/6/2024 (processed on 7/12/2024)
Using following command line, from <CMD> in Windows, with one of latest versions ezCon,, in ezRA suite of software,
py ../ezRA/ data -ezConAntXTFreqBinsFracL 0 1 -ezConUseVlsr 0 -ezConAntXTVTFreqBinsFracL 0 1 -ezConPlotRangeL 87 87 -ezCon087Csv 1
This produces a single combined CSV data file compatible with Rinearn3d software called ezCon087antRBTVT.csv
I have found it is best to use around 2 days of data only – large data sets are incompatible with Rinearn3D.
The Rinearn3D plots below show similar hydrogen line features to the 2D plots on Rinearn and on ezRA.
Output from Rinearn2D & Rinearn3D when I ran software on the 2 days of data from 6/6/2024-7/6/2024 from Ptarmigan 86x86cm ex-military dipole array:
ezRA plots showing galactic location of the data used for this analysis and key analyses within ezRA: